In this Test there are some questions to see what interests you have and how you feel about certain situations.There are no "right" or "wrong" answers because people have the right to their own views. All you have to do is answer what is true for you.

    Some sample questions are given below which you will answer for practice, to see that you understand what you have to do. There are three possible answers to each question. You should answer either "Yes" or "No", (or "A" or "B"), by selecting (x) the appropriate box. Mark the last answer or "C" only when it is impossible to say "Yes" or "No". Now answer the practice questions given below:


    1. I prefer friends who are:

    (A) Quiet(B) Lively(C) Can't decide

    2. People say I'm impatient.

    (A) True(B) False(C) uncertain

    3. I like to watch team games.

    (A) yes, often,(B) no, never,(C) sometimes

    4. I would like to he:

    (A) a mechanic(B) a salesman(C) undecided

    Please read examples again if not clear.

    In the following pages, you will find more questions similar to those above. As you answer the questions, keep these four rules in mind:

    I. Give only answers that are true for you. It is best to say what you really think.

    2. You may have as much time as you need, but try to go fairly fast. It's best to give the first answer that comes to you and not spend too much time on any one question.

    3. Answer every item one way or the other. Don't skip any item.

    4. You should mark the (A) or (B) answer most of the time. Mark the last (C) answer only when you feel you have to, because neither (A) nor (B) seems to be right for you.